Types of Meditation Techniques

10 years ago

Meditation was envisaged as a spiritual matter for a long time. But now it is acknowledged as a therapy. It…

Does High Protein Intake Cause Kidney Failure?

10 years ago

(Src) Does High Protein Intake Cause Kidney Failure? The role of protein in muscle repair and development is evident. Our…

9 Myths about Running

10 years ago

Running enthusiast need a lot of stamina and motivation to run miles. But there are few presumption that makes runners…

12 Best Fat Burning Foods

10 years ago

If fit-body is some kind of destination, then a healthy food is the passport to that destination. We gorge on…

Comparing Yoga with Power Yoga

10 years ago

(Src) Comparing Yoga with Power Yoga Power Yoga is an advanced form of “Ashtanga yoga”. The word “ashtanga” represents two…

Quick Remedies for Cold, Flu and Sore Throat

10 years ago

Our body try to immune us from various viral flu, whenever they infect us. But it has a limitation, and…

Addiction of Coca-Cola and its effect

10 years ago

(Src) Addiction of Coca-Cola and its effect Soft drinks contain acids and sugar, which have both Acidogenic and Carcinogenic properties.…

Running Vs Swimming For Fat Loss

10 years ago

(Src) Running Vs Swimming For Fat Loss Running and swimming are both exciting sports. Both sports can be useful for…

Almond For Weight Loss: Is it True?

10 years ago

“Almonds can make you slim”- this statement may seem less than convincing for some, as they doubt how a tiny…

How to stay energetic for the whole day?

10 years ago

Some surveys have shown that around 30% of the worlds’ population complain about tiredness and restlessness. They feel they need…